So yeah.
Every time I think I'm about there, my hands laugh at me.
Which is a little creepy.
I think exercises and therapy have been helping...of course I screwed everything up last weekend because I HAD to clean my apartment and change out some water in my fish tank and my hands did not like that at all.
Also, I'm on a few week hiatus from therapy because at $25 copay per session, twice a week...that's like $200/month. And with kitty vet bills and Verizon screwing me over again, I ran out of money.
But still doing my exercises.
I've gotten to do a few brief drawing sessions.
When I say brief, I mean 5 minutes.
A couple weeks ago, my OT assigned 5 minutes at a time every hour and a half or so, which proved to be a little too much. So I took a break and tried again last week, doing two per day.
Then i spent the weekend ruining all my progress, so I've been waiting until my hands were feeling better, but may give it a shot today. We'll see.
I seem to be in a holding pattering regarding RSI on the left side, which means I have to dawdle at work to keep from pushing beyond mild irritation into not having any working hands left.
I fluctuate between determined focus and deep depression. *sigh*
ANYWAY, here are a few 5-minute sketches (woo-frickin-hoo) that I have done. It's almost like making art only not really at all.
various soggy cat doodles -- five minutes (or so...I pushed it a little too far on these) each.
Batman - 2 five minute sessions -- 10 total.
Until next time, kids.
Maybe I'll be able to draw again some day.