Last Wednesday, I started on 10 minute figure studies, and quickly discovered the problem with that particular method: when I am working on a long-term project, at the end of 10 minutes, i know I'm coming back to it later. With 10 minute sketches, at the end, I'm done, so it is common to want to just finish a LITTLE bit more.
These are the sketches I did last Wednesday:
They were a lot of fun and I was happy with them, but definitely gave in to temptation a bit too much, when trying to work within established parameters.
Then, my hand got all messed up again. It stayed that way over the course of the Thanksgiving weekend, and is still not quite back where it was , in regards to the flexibility and overall not-being-stupid-and-making-my-life-miserable.
However, the longest I went over my allotted time was perhaps 5 additional minutes, and considering that my OT and I had discussed possibly lengthening my sessions to 15 minutes, neither he nor I believe that the drawing is likely the cause. We hope. It seems to have gotten aggravated for unrelated reasons.
So, our current treatment plan is just...ignoring it. He has had me return to 10 minute sessions, multiple times daily and is moving me into further strengthening exercises in therapy. He also electrocuted my arm yesterday, which was pretty cool.
So, to try and keep myself more on track, I have started another bigger piece. We'll see how it comes out, but here is an in-progress sketch/just starting my line art:
Here's hoping this 'ignoring it and hoping it goes away' plan is effective. I can ignore the heck out of things.