Still Here 
Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 08:56AM
Rachel Corn-Hicks

No updates in a bit, huh? 

Sorry, been working on a few things, but they have been in bits and pieces. 

I have made a couple Doctor Who doodles. 



And...I don't think I'd mentioned this yet, but I am going to be, in a couple months, attending my first convention as an ARTIST rather than a customer, sharing a table with friends and selling my art and I'm VERY excited but also nervous. 

but excited. 

So this weekend I'm employing the help of a friend to go and try to find a good printer so I can start making my own prints, hopefully including stickers and also *excited bounce* temporary tattoos. Because I learned that you can buy temporary tattoo paper and print your own and I am SO EXCITED. 

Other art, I am working on the second challenge for the 'Let's Draw Sherlock' tumbler: this time the goal is to recreate a famous piece of art using characters from the show. Originally, I was going to do a repaint of Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks", but someone beat me to it. And, though there is no rule against multiple people doing the same piece...I wanted to do something my own. So I decided to paint the famous photo of John and Yoko, where he's naked and wrapped around her. 

I'm a little nervous because I rarely do nudity or...I guess, non figure-study nudity. This is cuddly and couple-y. I rarely do shippy stuff, even if I am shippy by nature. But soon there will be naked cuddly Sherlock + fond and cuddly John Watson on my dash. *hides* 

My hand...continues to improve and worsen. I drew a fair amount yesterday, today i'm fine. No rhyme or reason, as usual. June is soon. 

Article originally appeared on Persephone Raven (
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