Three Weeks and Counting, Regardless of the Unfeeling Void
Friday, September 25, 2015 at 11:45PM
Rachel Corn-Hicks

Well, what I had planned to be a relaxing evening in my local coffee shop has been somewhat derailed due to personal strife, and though I just want to go home and curl up under the covers with an entire batch of brownies and my cat, I AM here and posting my weekly update and getting some work done, damnit. 

The thing I have learned to count on best in life is that plans WILL go awry. This is a lesson I have been taught over and over again. But if you stop every time you get punched in the face by life, you have nothing to show for it all but a face full of punches. So you best squint out your good eye and keep going because at least then you'll have some progress to show for it all. 

This is not to say that I never let myself be stymied by the roadblocks in my path, or that I never crawl under the covers to cry. But I'm trying to hold, at least as much as I can, to a policy of doing my work, and THEN crying about the unfair entropy of the universe. 

So there's your bit of depressed vagueblogging for the evening. 

Now some art. 

I started both of these a while back, and while I had aspirations of them both being done before this year's SF Pride celebration, for my own edification as much as anything else, I hit a bit of a wall, artistically, due to some of those personal factors that I am trying to keep from getting me down, and then I was working on that trouble-making piece of freelance, and the weather was awful and hot and well, you get my drift. Work fell off a bit. A lot. 

But this past week I finally finished the second piece and now I share with you, gay gay merfolk! If the coffee shop wifi decides to play nice. (Why do I do this here again?)

I had originally planned on going in a cute cartoony direction with this, but I am glad I chose this more illustrative style instead. I really like how this one turned out. 

This is the second piece: 

This one, I knew what colors I wanted to go with from pretty early on, but I'm not as pleased with the finished product as I was with the first one. I think I lost some of the grace and stylization due to my lower proficiency with the male form, and so the result is anatomically a little iffy but not in an intentional way like the first one is, in a weird, in-between, neither fish nor fowl fashion. Haha! Fish. Still cute. But lacking the pop of the merladies. 

However, my goal is to learn from my deficiencies and move on to the next project. 

So expect more, and hopefully better, art soon! 

In semi-related news, I plan on going to the Santa Rosa toy and comic convention tomorrow and hope to do some sketches of people there, so maybe next week, if I have anything presentable, I'll post a bit here. 

In unrelated news, I think the girl sitting next to me is being harassed by the guy next to her. He has very much the vibe of 'random hitting on a girl who's trying to do homework dude' and she has very much the attitude of 'girl trying to do homework but being polite to the dude invading her space because that's what we are taught to do'. 

More next week, party people. 



Article originally appeared on Persephone Raven (
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