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Two More Weeks 

I don't really know what to say...the prospect of my looming graduation and theoretically becoming a Useful Member of Society is daunting and seems somewhat surreal.  Or perhaps that's the sleep deprivation talking. 

Though I feel like I'm still under the world's giantest mountain of homework, I am making progress, and may actually get everything done in time.  Maybe.  My boyfriend pointed out to me this morning that, had I not chosen to give myself a giant and ridiculous project, I would probably kind of be coasting right now, not stressing graduation at all.  I really appreciated that little bit of insight, believe you me.  However;

-I have all but the last two pages of my book all but done.  Once they are all finished, I just have to worry about layout and intro and acknowledgement pages...I have two weeks to get that all done, and seeing as I've been pushing myself to about three pages a week, I shouldn't, hopefully, have a problem.  I can't believe how much illustration I have done in such a short time. 

-My business cards and shirts are ordered and hopefully on the way, along with my very own copy of CS5 Design Premium.

-My portfolio is all but done.  I brought it in today to get my teacher's feedback and changed a few things, and am waiting on a few more sleeves, but all the pages are completed with just a final few awaiting reprinting and/or sleeving.

-My project for GLCC is 2/3 of the way done and my client is happy with my progress.  

The only big worry I have is for my student website, which I am meant to make in Flash, which I mostly don't understand and I have to have it done five days before it is due in Flash class, as I have to turn it (functional and on the interwebs) in with my portfolio.  

Mostly, though, I'm in the 'head-down, power-through' stage.  The finish line is in sight, and if I just make that final push, I'll make it.  I feel like I should be freaking out more...but mostly, don't really have the energy to devote to non-homework tasks.  More and more, however, I find myself longing for the time after graduation...the first time since I began at AiP that I may have legitimate free least for a brief while. (I hope it will be brief...i have a lot of student loans)  I long to go places, just for fun, and maybe linger without guilt.  I look forward to the possibility of social engagements...a table-top role-playing session that stretches late into the night and fills me with junk food.  I miss time to work off that junk food, and I desperately want to clean my house.  I have dreams of lying on the couch, catching up on blogs, web comics and this season of 'The Guild'...none of which I have watched at all yet.  

And after a week or so of that, I would like someone to hire me, please.   

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