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Still kicking

Yeah, so I suppose it's been a few weeks. 

Sorry about that. 

Between work and trying to get stuff done in not-work time a couple this neglected. 

Part of it is because work has been a lot of necessary store signage and not a lot of anything interesting on my end...but part of it has just been me being a slacker, because I have had a few things in particular to share. 

The big one is that...well, the animated short that the creator (Andrew) and I worked on for about a year and a half, between both or our schedules and my medical problems, GOT FINISHED. 

And Andrew got it put in a gallery showcase of animated shorts from Pittsburgh. And I went and people were watching it and there were images of my illustrations on the walls. CHECK THIS OUT. 


(yeah two gratuitous photos of me because I WAS IN A SHOW, JERKFACES!) 

(I take it back. You guys aren't jerkfaces. I just got excited.) 

That's Andrew. He's the twisted brains and animation behind the operation. He was seriously a super joy to work with, understanding of scheduling issues, and every time I started reaching the point of 'this project is NEVER going to be doneeeeee' we would have a meeting and he would get me all fired up about the art again. And he hired me to work on a cool project. 

Speaking of which, if you would like to see the film in it's 4 and a half minute entirety, you can do it RIGHT HERE. The password is 'django' (which was the original name before SOMEONE had to go make a big blockbuster movie with the same name...sheesh.) 

Anyway. I did a thing. GEE. WOW. MUCH EXCITE. 

I also have done some art things in the store, though not so many lately. 

But a few. 

Mostly lots of holiday stuff. Go figure. 

I drew all those snowflakes by hand on foamcore and then cut them out with a substandard exacto knife. I just want you all to know what sacrifices I make for you. Or store signage. Or because snowflakes are purty. And I was alone with free access to glitter. 

Here's the other side of that sign. 

And two sides of a sign for that fancy fruitcake bread stuff that is apparently some sort of tradition: 

OH! A holiday tradition! Says so right on the sign!

Hey, I amuse myself. That's what matters. 

This hanging sphere of greenery I think...really could have had a better name, but...

Yes. I giggled immaturely while making this sign. 

Rosemary trees: 

And somehow forgot to photograph the tabletop tree sign I made, which was actually kind of cute. I will have to remedy that. Next journal: tabletop trees. 

But this journal, candycanes! 

Also, because I was really wanting to do some non-work, non-freelance art, I squeezed in time for Let's Draw Sherlock this month--which was actually more of a squeeze, as instead of one big challenge, it was four mini challenges for minor characters. 

But I like how my Anthea doodle came out: 

("Who the heck is that and what the heck is going on?" all you non-sherlockians are asking. This is just my way of trying to get everyone to watch the show.)

And kind of a fast (and inaccurate) lighting study of DS Sally Donovan, at the office late because of all the paperwork that darn consulting detective creates: 

Anyway, the work week's not over, so I should go to bed so I can be glare-eyed and bristly-tailed as usual come morning. Just reached the point of 'gee all this stuff keeps building up on my phone...I should post some of it...'

Good night! Stay classy, internet! (oh, who am I kidding...)

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