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Rush Job 

Late yesterday afternoon, group I follow in tumblr and twitter, the Baker Street Babes (they are awesome and have a podcast and are kind of big in the Sherlock fandom and have done interviews with some seriously amazing people and are amazing people themselves) made a 'we desperately need a designer!' post. 

And I thought about how I'm broken and how I work really long hours and don't really have time for unpaid side work and then I thought about how much I love the Sherlock fandom and have been wanting to get more involved in it and threw my hands in the air and decided that, to heck with it, I'd drop them a line. 

I sent an email basically outlining my time constraints, and my physical constraints and assuring that I'd understand if they couldn't deal with those, and gave a link to my website. And they liked my work. So then they let me know they needed a poster by like...this morning and here was the info and the style but everything else was up to me. 


I missed the gym. 

And I abused my hand. (Though, honestly, it has held up better than I expected, so yay!) 

And I rushed and spent half my morning trying to get the darn thing done and it was a little later than promised, but considering the epic rush, well, no one was mad. 

They actually seemed rather happy and think it's pretty. 

It wasn't everything I wanted it to be. But it also doesn't suck. 

And most importantly, the clients are happy and sherlockians all over are looking at my art. 

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