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Nothing New But Melting

So, I DID get my two vector pieces done. 

They aren't...exemplary. But they hopefully show that I can, at least, use a vector program. 


Like...there are some problems and stuff that I normally would have fixed while working on them in Photoshop, but I wans't quite comfortable enough with my vector stuff to go heavily off book. I redid the background in the first one and that alone was a little slice of hell. I got all kinds of angles wrong lemme tell you. 

So now that I'm free of that, you ask, what have I been up to? Surely I have a giant stack of projects that has been simmering away, waiting for my attention! 

How right you are. 

I have personal work. 

I have freelance projects. 

I have little one-shots and some epic journies that I'm itching to touch. 

I also have...I guess the traditional term is 'Indian Summer'? I'm pretty sure that's derogatory, and I apologize. But basically, after a blissful week of cool, crisp, autumn, western PA has had about four days of stiflingly humid weather in the 80s and 90s. And sitting in a pool of my own sweat is one of the few things that can keep me from art. I need to get a job that pays money and then a better air conditioner. Holy geeze. 

Ideally, a better apartment. 

But at LEAST a better air conditioner. 

So, there's stuff. It's on the way. 

It is supposed to be cooling off tomorrow. 

Ugh it better. 

And now, I think I'm off to bed. Not only has the weather disrupted my art, it has disrupted my sleeping habits, so even though I slept late and slept long last night, the heat exhausted me and I don't think I'm going to last much longer tonight. 


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Reader Comments (1)

These two pieces turned out really nicely! I've yet to use a vectoring program for illustrations (although, I should probably totally get on learning to do that; *yikes*). I'm sure it poses a lot of frustrations but the end result looks really cool!

And I feel ya. For me, I get easily distracted by all the "adult" things I think I should be doing. Like cleaning & organizing my home, so I end up putting off projects or drawing them out over a long period of time in order to try and find some sort of balance between my art and my domestic life. I think I'm starting to fall into a groove with it, though.

Hope it cools down there for you! Can't wait to see what you do next. :)

September 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDez

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